IgG testing, results, biomedical autism treatment
Dr. Woeller is a biomedical autism treatment specialist. He has been in clinical practice for over 11 years implementing a variety of biomedical interventions including those of the Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!) organization for individuals on the autism-spectrum.
I had the pleasure of asking Dr. Woeller a few questions, with his permission I'm sharing the questions and answers here.
What are the benefits of IgG allergy testing?
IgG testing is useful to determine the likelihood of increased food sensitivity to one or a group of food items. IgG is the most abundant antibody in the bloodstream and when it complexes with a food protein the interaction may stimulate inflammation. IgG is also a protective antibody and so an elevation of IgG against a food is a defense mechanism in the body to prevent perceived adverse reactivity from the immune system. Most food reactions are mediated by chemicals other than IgE (true allergy). Food IgG can be a drain on the immune system as more and more elevated markers to food indicate that the immune system is over-sensitized to a particular food and avoidance of that food is warranted.
Who should be tested and why?
Individuals with chronic illness are good candidates for food IgG testing. Also, individuals with unexplained digestive complaints such as bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhea, and reflux. Other issues such as recurring headaches, fatigue, skin rashes, joint and muscle aches and pains, etc. can often be attributed to food sensitivities.
Why would someone test positive to a food they are not consuming?
This is called molecular mimicry (MM). MM is when the chemical configuration of one food looks similar to something else. An example is soy protein having cross-sensitivity, i.e. MM with gluten (wheat) and/or casein (dairy).
What can you tell us about learning issues, speech delay and IgG food allergy's?
There are chemical interactions with food and brain chemistry. Food IgG does cause immune complexing that has the potential to cross-react with tissue cells in the body. If this reaction occurs in the nervous system the potential for speech centers to be affected is a possibility. However, there are other components in food that seem to play a role chemically. Gluten (wheat) and casein (dairy) have certain amino acid sequences (peptides) that look similar to opiate chemicals. It is known that these chemical patterns of gluten (called gluteomorphin) and casein (called caseomorphin) can disturb brain chemistry which may adversely affect speech.
What are two important facts everyone should know about IgG allergy testing?
- Food IgG is just one aspect of food reactivity in the body. A normal food IgG test does not necessarily indicate that a suspected food is okay to eat, as there are chemical effects of food that may cause problems too, i.e. gluten and casein peptide issue.
- Food IgG is classified as sensitivity or intolerance. IgG is not true allergy. IgE is the allergy chemical and what most allergist test for when assessing suspected food or environmental allergens. However, in the vast majority of individuals food IgE is normal, while food IgG reactions are elevated. Again, food IgG can be indicative of ongoing stress on the immune system leading to inflammation formation in the body.
For additional information on allergy testing please watch these two videos below from Dr. Woeller:
Did you have IgG testing done or planing on having testing done? Dr. Woeller can help.
Do you need help understanding what all those lines and graphs on your test results mean? It can be very confusing trying to decipher all the markers by yourself, and then what are you supposed to with the information? You can send your test results to Dr. Waeller, video lab reviews will analyze and review the test results, record it, and send you the link to view a video explaning everything.
The Great Plains lab IgG food allergy test. Recommended for the following disorders:
- Language Problems
- Learning Difficulties
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
Read: Food Allergy Test- For Behavioral, Digestive, & Chronic Disorders
Read: Food allergies
ADHD in many cases has been linked to diet, which includes food allergies and nutritional deficiencies…simply eliminating certain foods or adding others may reduce symptoms or eliminate them altogether.
Those with autism are more susceptible to allergies and food sensitivities than the average person.
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We had two of our sons allergy tested through the Great Plains Lab. Like I said in my other post it was life saving for my then 4 year old/now 8 year old.
Gluten free foods ROCK really does rock! Wonderful, informative website. I highly recommend it!
Joyce Nielsen
Don't Feed Me, LLC
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